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Return and Exchange Form - RMA

Step 1 - Complete the form below
Step 2 - Pack your item(s) along with form and return to the address below:
Return and Exchange Department
10931 SW 161st PL
Miami, Fl 33196
United States
Step 3 - All returns or exchanges are processed within 48 business hours of receipt. You will receive an email with the details of your refund when processed. If you are exchanging your item, we will email a new tracking number. Description of items returning: This completed form is required with all returns and exchanges. Please complete the applicable information related to your order.

Description of items returning:
This completed form is required with all returns and exchanges.
Please complete the applicable information related to your order.
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Address:
* City:
* Zip Code:
* State:
* Email:
* Phone Number:
TheLowex Order # if applicable:
eBay Item # if applicable:
eBay User I.d. if applicable:
Description of items returning:
Please check the box Exchange or Refund
Reason for Return:
maximum characters: 623
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